Summoned by the call of St Laurence’s College motto, facere et docere: To do and to teach, St Laurence’s College strives to implement the Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice Tradition so that it is the ‘lived reality’ in the community.
Our Vision and Mission underpins everything we do at St Laurence's College across everyday College life and when we think of our goals for the future.
St Laurence’s College Vision
The St Laurence’s College Vision is to be an authentic, dynamic, relational Catholic educational community.
St Laurence’s College fosters an authentic Catholic community that celebrates and reflects Edmund Rice’s vision of Presence, Compassion and Liberation by ‘acting justly, loving tenderly and walking humbly with God’ (Micah 6:8). We have created a dynamic, inclusive educational community for boys and young men that maximises their potential to be active contributors to an ever-changing society.
St Laurence’s College Mission
St Laurence’s College, through nurturing respectful relationships, aims to:
- Foster Christian faith, personal worth and belonging through spiritual growth, reconciliation, compassion and generosity.
- Educate boys and young men holistically in spiritual, moral, intellectual, emotional, physical, cultural and social dimensions of life.
- Provide a safe and sustainable environment in which St Laurence’s College boys and young men learn and live.
- Inspire all to live lives of service, especially to those less fortunate, both locally and globally.
Acknowledgement of Country
At St Laurence's College, we acknowledge the Jagera and Turrbal people as the traditional custodians and guardians of the land on which our College is placed. We are inspired and nurtured by the wisdom, spiritualities and experiences of our First Nations Peoples. We respect the living culture of Indigenous Australians today and we commit our community to working alongside with them in building a community of respect, justice, equality, healing and reconciliation. Let us remember we are one in land, one in spirit and one in community.
Our Reconciliation Artwork reflects our community, with the Hill containing a circular motif representing the wider members of our College. The next greater circular motif or Meeting Place that sits about this represents St Laurence’s College – the ‘Light on the Hill’. The Tree of Knowledge grows tall and strong from the base of the ‘Meeting Place’, with the rivers and mountains flowing from it. The ten Houses are represented in the coloured circles under which the five large Stars at the top shine, symbolising the Catholic and EREA Touchstones.

Strategic Plan
As a College, it is our collective ambition to work in partnership with the community to promote and develop student and staff excellence within a sustainable and innovative learning environment.
Our Strategic Plan for 2024-2026 provides the guiding principles to ensure the actualisation of our vision to place each student's personal and academic aspiration at the centre of all that we do.