St Laurence's College has an active group of Old Boys who promote an ongoing connection with the College amongst former students - the St Laurence's College Old Boys' Association (SLOBA) and the St Laurence's Old Boys' Foundation.
St Laurence's College Old Boys' Association
The Old Boys’ Association is focused on providing connection, communication and support between St Laurence’s Old Boys and the College community by continuing the Lauries Journey in the spirit of mateship and the Edmund Rice tradition. Further details on the opportunities open to Old Boys including Awards and Recognitions, SLOBACare, SLConX, Reunions and much more can be found on the dedicated Old Boys' website accessible via the link below.
St Laurence's Old Boys' Foundation
The St Laurence’s Old Boys’ Foundation is a perpetual public charitable trust dedicated to the relief of poverty and the advancement of education. Funds raised by the Foundation support financially disadvantaged students to experience their own Lauries Journey. Further details on the fantastic work of the Old Boys' Foundation can be found on the Old Boys' website accessible via the link below.