A Catholic School in the Edmund Rice Tradition
St Laurence's College is a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition. This tradition is a guiding philosophy that permeates every aspect of the College. There are four Touchstones to describe the culture of a Catholic school which is striving for authenticity in the Edmund Rice tradition - Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community and Justice and Solidarity. These touchstones guide the College and define its goals and direction, following Blessed Edmund’s vision, in order to make the Gospel a living reality in our communities.
Liberating Education
Central to the Edmund Rice Tradition is the concept of a Liberating Education, which seeks to empower students to reach their full potential and become agents of positive change in the world. At Laurie's, this means providing a transformative learning experience that encourages critical reflection and engagement so that students can live life to the full and build a better world for all.
Gospel Spirituality
Gospel spirituality lies at the heart of the Edmund Rice Tradition, guiding students on their journey of faith and personal growth. At Laurie's, this means living Jesus' story and message of compassion, forgiveness, justice and peace within the spiritual and wider community. Students are encouraged to treat others with kindness and respect and strive to make a positive difference in the world.
Inclusive Community
In the spirit of inclusivity, St Laurence's College is a community that welcomes students from diverse backgrounds and fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance for all. Inspired by the example of Edmund Rice, who dedicated his life to serving the marginalised and disadvantaged, the College is committed to creating a supportive and inclusive community where every individual is valued and respected. Through meaningful relationships, collaborative learning experiences and inclusive practices, students learn to appreciate the richness of diversity and work together for the common good.
Justice and Solidarity
Justice and Solidarity are fundamental principles of the Edmund Rice Tradition, guiding students to advocate for social justice and stand in solidarity with those who are oppressed or marginalised. At Laurie's, students are challenged to confront injustice and inequality in all its forms.
In essence, being a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition at St Laurence's College means embracing a holistic approach to education that develops students spiritually, morally, intellectually, emotionally, physically, culturally and socially.