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Lauries Journey Presentation: You Choose Programs

Dear Parents and Guardians,  

As you may be aware, on Wednesday our students attended an important presentation by Melissa McGuinness from ‘YOU CHOOSE Programs’, Australia’s youth-led mission to change driving culture.

YOU CHOOSE Programs is a highly acclaimed, and winner of the Australian Road Safety Award for school programs. The program involves a presentation phase, supported by ongoing in-class lesson plans in our well-being schedule which are aligned to the Australian Curriculum.

YOU CHOOSE’s messages are challenging, though extremely important for young people and their decision making as drivers and passengers. Many students were moved to profound personal introspection about their own families and connections to their intentions, their choices and their actions. This is a key intent behind the mission's motto - Own the Choice Own the Outcome.  

Melissa challenged the students to consider how they will personally seek leadership in road safety, live life to its fullest, protect their loved ones; and be truly accountable in situations where they need to place their safety and wellbeing at the forefront of decision making. To exchange expectations, commitments and permissions to speak up and to act in moments-that-matter.   

We have asked students to share the YOU CHOOSE mission with you; and to discuss what they have taken from the program. We strongly urge you to engage in this conversation with your teen; and to encourage them to complete the (anonymous) survey link they received after the presentation.

As a fully registered non-for-profit charity, YOU CHOOSE relies on donations to take messages about Love, Family, Leadership and the Empowerment of Choice to school communities around Australia. Parents are encouraged to contribute at

For more information, please visit


Head of House - Hogan