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From the Dean of Identity and Community

Edmund Rice Head 2 Heart Camp

Last weekend we hosted an Edmund Rice Head 2 Heart Camp which encompassed four schools across Saturday and Sunday. Edmund Rice Camps Queensland is a community based not - for - profit organisation, providing recreational activities for children, youth and families who may not otherwise have the opportunity. 'Eddie' Rice Camps are committed to social change in our community, through Empowering Kids, Developing Youth and Building Community.

On the weekend two separate camps were held at the College with Gregory Terrace and All-Hallows hosting at our campus on the Saturday and then on the Sunday St Laurence's and Stuartholme hosted. Ten students from each school volunteered to be a buddy to 14 lucky young people coming to us from a variety of different backgrounds. Our students become buddies to them for the day with their aim to given them an entire day of fun and laughs. I have been associated with Edmund Rice Camps for over ten years now through camps and as well as being a board member and always admired the experience these camps provide.

Our students committed themselves to their buddies being with them throughout the entire day. The buddies had a lot of energy and the students of Lauries and Stuartholme needed to be on their toes to keep up with them. Our students were brilliant taking time to not just be with their buddy but to be present to them. The camps rely on our students being attentive to them and taking time to hear their story and provide them with friendship. The day can be difficult at times with students needed to run after their buddies and encourage them but our students are rewarded knowing they have impacted through their presence, if only for a short time.


Dean of Identity and Community