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From the Pastoral Office

House Choir
Student expectations

House Choir

Next Friday, all students in the College will participate in our inaugural House Choir. The songs performed this year have been chosed by various Era’s of time.

2024 Song List and Era’s

1975 – 1979: September - Earth Wind Fire

1980 – 1984: Hungry like a Wolf - Duran Duran

1985 – 1989: Mind set on you - George Harrison

1990 – 1994: Breakfast at Tiffany’s – Deep Blue Something

1995 – 1999: Time of your life - GreenDay

2000 – 2004: Yellow – Coldplay

2005 – 2009: Unwritten – Natasha Bedingfield

2010 – 2014: Rolling in the Deep - Adelle

2015 – 2019: Healing Hands - Conrad Sewell

2020 – 2024: Flowers - Miley Cyrus

It is wonderful for our young men to develop a sense of connection to their House and school spirit, it is these connections which makes Lauries special.

A special thank you must go to the Heads of House, House Mentors, the audio-visual team and our wonderful music department for their commitment and effort in ensuring a successful event.

I wish all parents and students the very best for the upcoming holidays and as always, Live Jesus in your hearts. . .  Forever!

Student expectations

I would like to remind all parents of the College rules surrounding hair cuts and uniform – this is a copy of the information from the letter sent to all parents at the start of Term 2.

Term 2 commences with students in all year levels required to wear the College winter uniform. All students must wear their college blazer to and from the College each day (they may be removed at the end of morning admin and placed in their locked lockers) additionally students are required to wear their college tie for the duration of each day.

Other reminders regarding uniform,

  • Haircuts
    • Your son must have an appropriate haircut in line with College policy:
    • Natural hair colour.
    • Must be no shorter than number 3 blade.
    • Tracks, shaven strips, mullets, or tails are not acceptable.
    • Hair is not to be over the collar, eyebrows, or ears.
    • Extreme hairstyles which draw attention to the student will not be permitted.
    • All students must be clean shaven.

The current trend of “burst fade” haircuts does not meet these expectations.

If your son’s hair does not meet the College requirements he may be withdrawn from class or sent home until his hair is appropriate.

St Laurence’s College bags are to be used when travelling to and from school.

  • A yard-hat is a compulsory uniform item whilst in unshaded areas of the College.
  • Leather black belt must be worn.
  • Black leather shoes with St Laurence’s College socks should be worn.
  • Senior School students are required to wear long trousers for Terms 2 and 3 (with either black or grey socks).
  • Year 12 students may wear their senior jerseys (which are not part of the normal college uniform) underneath their blazers to and from school on Friday’s only (the regular college uniform should still be worn each day)


Dean of Pastoral Care (Senior School)