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From the Music Department

We hope all families enjoyed the holiday break and are ready for one of our busiest Terms for the year.  Term 3 marks the final weeks of the 2024 Music Year. Rehearsals are well underway to prepare for some exciting performances coming up this Term.

State Honours Ensemble Program

Griffith University's Conservatorium of Music host five programs as part of their annual State Honours Ensemble Program. These programs range from a Primary program, through to the Australian State Honours Ensemble Program.

We would like to congratulate student who attended the Southeast Queensland State Honours Ensemble Program (SHEP) SEQ from 31 May - 2 June.

Toby Andrews, Luka Anich, Cillian Barker, Evan Benjamin, Jacob Cleghorn, Pedro de la Cruz, Sam Dorahy, Gus Gwynne, Eamon     Hayles, Xavier Hayward, Sebastian Hill, Vincent Huynh, Angus Leinster, Avan Liang, Liam Liao, Ethan Littlefield, Ethan Lucas, Mikhael Mendis, James Page, Henry Sharland, Ted Simon, Russel Tjhin, Harry Ward

Congratulatons to the following students who participated in the Brisbane State Honours Ensemble Program (SHEP) during the last weekend of the holidays: 

Patrick  Dowling, Angus Clark, Oscar Dean, Oscar Craig, An Huynh, Erik Dwyer, Luke Ferrer, Gus Gwynne, Toby Hayles, Rhys O'Halloran, Lachlan Shine, Ethan Watson, Xavier Kendall, Jayden Tews

Remaining programs this year include the Primary Program, the Queensland State Honours Ensembles Program, and the Australian Honours Ensemble Program. 

Jazzin’ Up the Mall Festival | Queen St Mall | 15 & 17 July

Students in the College Concert Bands, Big Bands and String Orchestra’s will be performing at Vivace Music’s Jazzin’ Up the Mall Festival next week. 

Our Intermediate & Senior Ensembles will be performing on Monday and Concert Band 3, Big Band 3 & String Orchestra 3 on Wednesday. 

Family and friends are most welcome to join us in the mall for these performances. There is more detailed information on the Lauries App under Music for the relevant ensembles. 

Intermediate Ensembles Music Camp | ERAPC 20 & 21 July

The Intermediate Ensembles Music Camp will take place on campus next weekend and promises to be a rewarding experience for students.  
Ensembles: Concert Band 2, String Orchestra 2, Guitar Orchestra 2, Little Brotherhood

The weekend includes a series of rehearsals with their ensembles and is important preparation for the busy Term ahead. If students can’t attend part or all of this camp, please contact the Music Department or the ensemble conductors. 

Upcoming events

*15 July – Jazzin’ Up the Mall Festival | Queen St Mall 8am – 1pm
Ensembles: Concert Band 1, Concert Band 2, Big Band 1, Big Band 2, String Orchestra 1, String Orchestra 2

*17 July – Jazzin’ Up the Mall Festival | Queen St Mall 8:30am – 12:00pm
Ensembles: Concert Band 3, Big Band 3, String Orchestra 3

*20-21 July – Intermediate Ensembles Camp | SLC 
Ensembles: Concert Band 2, String Orchestra 2, Guitar Orchestra 2, Little Brotherhood

25 July – College Open Day | SLC 4pm
Ensembles: Big Band 1, String Orchestra 1, Guitar Orchestra 1

*15-18 August – Queensland Catholic Colleges Music Festival | Villanova

Ensembles: Concert Band 1, Concert Band 2, Concert Band 3, Big Band 1, Big Band 2, Big Band 3, String Orchestra 1, String Orchestra 2, String Orchestra 3, Guitar Orchestra 1, Guitar Orchestra 2, Brotherhood, Big Brotherhood, Little Brotherhood, Cambiata, Treblehood
Performance schedule is now available on the Lauries App for relevant ensembles.  

22 August – Strictly Strings Concert & Art Show | ERPAC 6pm
Ensembles: String Orchestra 1, String Orchestra 2, String Orchestra 3, Symphony Orchestra, Year 5 String Orchestra

23 August – Band Blast Concert & Art Show | ERPAC 6pm
Ensembles: Concert Band 1, Concert Band 2, Concert Band 3, Year 5 Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble 1, Percussion Ensemble 2, Percussion Ensemble 3

27 August – Choral & Guitar Concert | St Ignatius Church, Toowong 7pm
Ensembles: Guitar Orchestra 1, Brotherhood, Big Brotherhood, Little Brotherhood, Cambiata, Treblehood

5 September – Guitar Finale | McElligott Theatre 
Ensembles: Guitar Orchestra 2, Year 5 Guitar Ensemble

4 October – Jazz on the Hill | Gair Field 5:30pm
Ensembles: Big Band 1, Big Band 2, Big Band 3

*13-15 October – 2025 Senior Ensembles Music Camp | QCCC Mapleton
Ensembles: Concert Band 1, Big Band 1, String Orchestra 1, Guitar Orchestra 1, Brotherhood
Note: This camp will not include 2024 Year 12 students. 

*Events fall outside the usual ensemble routine and require a parent or guardian consent; these invitations will be sent via parent lounge. 

If you would like further information regarding any of the above, please contact the music department via or telephone 3010 1138.

Strike up the Band!


Head of Instrumental Music