From the Head of Teaching & Learning (Senior School)
Year 10: SETP Subject Selection
During SETP interviews, students are supported to make the final subject refinements to determine their Year 11/12 subject pathway. These decisions are led by academic results, student interests and an understanding of future pathway requirements. Students and family can find out further information regarding tertiary study entry requirements and pathway planning via: Year 10 Students | QTAC and our Senior School Curriculum Handbook.
Year 12: Finishing Strongly Commencement
The Year 12 Finishing Strongly program commenced this week with over 200 students electing masterclasses to hone their skills for external exams and complete certificate courses. Teachers and Heads of Faculty have tailored masterclass to develop students’ study and revision skills, digital organisation, and exam technique for subjects. With many Lauries staff experienced as external markers for external assessments, the boys have access to a wealth of knowledge and insight as they prepare for External Assessment.