From the Principal
This week the College was represented at the funeral of Brother Denis Sullivan. Brother Denis was the last serving Christian Brother on the St Laurence’s College campus. Brother Denis was best known at SLC for his presence and commitment to the Laurie’s community. I thank our staff and student leaders who represented the College at the service for Brother Denis and commend our musicians and Music staff who provided the music for the community. Our thoughts and prayers remain with brother Denis’s family and the Christian Brothers in this difficult time.
Before the publication of the next newsletter the College will host its annual Open Day. Staff and students are busy preparing displays and presentations as we open our doors to the broader community. I will officially thank all those involved at a later date, however I would specifically like to make mention our Communication and Engagement team who are working hard to ensure that this event is a success. I look forward to seeing many familiar and new faces next Thursday evening.
If you or anyone you know would like to register for our Open Day, please click here.
This week the College received the annual NAPLAN reports for years 5, 7 and nine. These reports were sub subsequently mailed to all families today. Should you have not received your NAPLAN result in the mail by end of next week, I asked that you please contact the College Administration office for further advice. Over the coming weeks, our Teaching and Learning faculty will begin the analysis and discernment of the data that these reports provide.
The College was fortunate to be visited by Mr Brett Lee this week. Not to be confused with the Australian Cricketer of the same name, Mr Lee is an internationally recognised cyber safety expert. Speaking to an audience of Laurie's families, Mr Lee offered advice keeping your young person safe online. I thank Ms Vanessa Bell for organising this opportunity for the community. Further information about this evening can be found later in this newsletter and a recording of the event will be available next week.
Term three is a busy term at St Laurence’s College. Filled with events such as the Solidarity Mass, College Walkathon, Sports Day, QCMF, the Lauries Gala, Mock Exams and Leadership Camp, all in addition to the normal operations of the College. While the daily learning from students is and continues to be the overarching priority, we encourage families to keep an eye on the College calendar for all the forthcoming events as a part of community life and your Lauries Journey.
Tomorrow we commence our first week of trimester three AIC Sport. Best wishes go to all those competing for the College in Basketball, Rugby League, and Athletics against Iona College.
College Principal (Acting)