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From the Principal

This week the College celebrated Catholic Education Week. Occurring annually in Week 3 of Term 3, Catholic Education Week is:

“An opportunity for all 312 Catholic schools in Queensland to celebrate and promote their distinctive mission and ethos. Catholic education strives to make a difference in the lives of those in our schools and in the wider community by challenging young people to live out the message of Jesus and to reach their full potential as compassionate, contributing, life-giving members of society.” 

At St Laurence’s College, a Catholic Education is an education in the Edmund Rice Tradition where our Touchstones give life to our Charism, and the dignity of each individual is at the core of all that we do.

As a part of Catholic Education Week, the work of staff in Catholic schools is acknowledged and celebrated. I congratulate Vanessa Bell, Ross Capern, Peter Fullagar, Nataleen Kilburn James McLauchlan and Kelsey Doyle on their nominations for Catholic Education week awards. 

Last night the College opened the doors to prospective families and the broader community, hosting the College Open Day. In a celebration and demonstration of all things Lauries, visitors were able to experience a taste of academic life at the College, the breadth of co-curricular opportunities, a sample of our Pastoral and Formation programs and most importantly, a Spirit of Welcome from St Laurence’s. In a testament to the Lauries community, over 150 staff and 200 students gave of their time to help facilitate the evening for the approximately 2000 guests. On a personal level, the showcase of Open Day provided me with a great sense of pride and admiration for the community that we are part of.

With so many people involved, it is impossible to thank all individually, however I would like to specifically acknowledge Ms Helen Turner (Director of Communication, Development and Events) and Mr Will Pike (Events Manager) for coordinating the preparation and delivery of the event. We look forward to welcoming many new families into the Lauries community in the very near future. 

In a busy week for the College, on Wednesday we also celebrated at our Academic Awards Assembly and afternoon tea. The day was a fantastic celebration of personal success, with commendations offered by way of Gold and Black awards for academic achievement and a number of students receiving growth awards for personal GPA improvement. In a first for the College, it was fantastic to see 30 Year 12 students graduate from a Diploma of Business Course they have completed over the last 18 months. This feat was achieved as an addition to their normal study pathway, with Diploma classes occurring before or after school each week. I congratulate these students on their commitment to personal excellence, along with the 600 other students who received academic recognition on this assembly. 

Also this week, our Year 8 students participated in their annual Retreat Program. Organised by Mr Corfield and the Identity Team, the highlight of the program appeared to be a visit from Old Boy and guest presenter Seamus Evans. Seamus spoke to the boys about neurodiversity, living with Tourette’s Syndrome and embracing resilience to achieve success. I thank Seamus for returning to the College and inspiring our students. 

The College Leadership team continues to work towards achieving the College Strategic Plan (2024-2026). It is great to see visible indicators of this work throughout the College. Projects such as a refined staff professional development and planning processes, the integration of the Right Journey Program into the curriculum for 2025 and a review of the College’s Positive Behaviour for Learning Procedure, are small highlights of the continued strategic work at the College. Families are reminded that the College Strategic Plan can be found here: About Lauries - St Laurence's College (  

Best wishes to all those competing for the College this week against St Peter’s Lutheran College and Ambrose Treacy College.


College Principal (Acting)