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From the Pastoral Office

Year 11 Leadership Process

The Year 11 cohort have been participating in servant leadership workshops during Catholic Studies Lessons this term in preparation for their formal leadership journey. As such, the applications for College Captain have been open this week with application packages closing on Monday. The shortlisted candidates will then have an opportunity to address the cohort during the upcoming Leadership Camp in week ten. Students and staff will also vote on their preferred candidate, and all shortlisted applicants will be interviewed by a member of the College Leadership Team and myself. We wish all the boys who are applying for College Captain the very best of luck.

Father and Son Evening

On Thursday night our Year 8 Fathers and Sons gathered for dinner and an evening of minute-to-win-it style games. This was made possible by Mr Lachlan Heshusius and a number of Year 10 students who gave their time to set up, run and then pack down the various games and activities that were on offer. We are always grateful to our students who so willingly give up their time to ensure events like this run so smoothly. Walking around, watching the interactions between father and son was certainly special. The time spent to strengthen bonds and create shared memories is certainly something that our boys and their Father’s will remember. I would also mention our Humanities Team who modelled the spirit of Service assisting at the commencement of the evening, welcoming our guests and handing out score cards as well as a special mention to the other staff who assisted on the evening.

It always fills me with an immense feeling of pride at how willing our students are to volunteer and give up their time for others. Friday was another example of this when over 60 students freely devoted their entire student-free day to assist with the success of our Orientation Day which welcomed our 2025 Year 7 cohort to the College. It is evident from theses students that they are proud to be students at St Laurence’s College and they understand the importance of creating a sense of welcome for our students. From greeting students and parents on arrival to running games and playing handball through the breaks, I firmly believe that their presence and willingness to connect helped ensure the day was a success. 

Throughout the day, our newest students were taken on tours of the college, got to experience different activities within faculties and most importantly, able to spend some time getting to know students in their House, as well as seniors and staff members. Orientation Day provides an opportunity for students to connect with others in a warm and welcoming way and I am sure the presence of our older students would have helped to ease any anxiety our new students may have had.

As always, if your son requires assistance in any way, please get in contact with his Head of House. The Lauries community has many ways of ensuring your son reaches his full potential in a safe and welcoming way. 

Live Jesus in your hearts... Forever!


Dean of Senior Students (Acting)