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From the Music Department


Our End of Year concerts continued this week with the Choral & Guitar concert on Tuesday at St Ignatius, showcasing the Choirs and Guitar Orchestra 1. It was a fantastic night. 

The Guitar Finale Concert on Thursday 5 September will be the next concert featuring Guitar Orchestra 2 & the Year 5 Guitar Ensemble.

These End of Year concerts also mark the final performances for many of the Year 12 students and we would like to validate the contributions our seniors have made to the co-curricular music program throughout their Lauries journey.


5 September – Guitar Finale | 5pm McElligott Theatre 
Ensembles: Guitar Orchestra 2, Year 5 Guitar Ensemble

The 2025 ensembles will the commence at the start of Term 4.

4 October – Jazz on the Hill | 5:30pm Gair Field
Ensembles: Big Band 1, Big Band 2, Big Band 3, St Rita’s College, Centenary State High School Stage Band, Queensland Youth Orchestra Big Band

13-15 October – 2025 Senior Ensembles Music Camp | QCCC Mapleton
Ensembles: Concert Band 1, Big Band 1, String Orchestra 1, Guitar Orchestra 1, Brotherhood
Note: This camp will not include 2024 Year 12 students.

If you would like further information regarding any of the above, please contact the music department via or telephone 3010 1138.

Strike up the Band!


Head of Instrumental Music