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From the Dean of Teaching and Learning

Year 12 Mock Exams

The Mock exam schedule can be found here. These began Wednesday this week and continue through to the day before Year 12 Retreat on Wednesday 11 September.  I’d like to congratulate the boys so far for the work that they are clearly putting into their study and preparation for the Mocks.

A reminder that Mock exams are vitally important for students to attend. The results enable us to target specific concepts in preparation for upcoming External Assessment (EA). Mocks also enable us to establish an environment for Year 12 students that replicates EAs. This is essential. The intent is for the exams to be structured and calm – so that students can perform at their best.

Year 10 and Year 11 Block Exams

The Year 10 and Year 11 Block Assessment period also begins in the next couple of weeks. This is an important time for senior school students, to ensure they maintain effective study habits leading into assessment periods. Each schedule is below:

Students on block exams must:

  • Arrive at least 15mins before the start of the exam
  • Arrive with the correct equipment
  • Leave mobile phones in lockers or bags outside
  • Adhere to academic integrity policies at all times
  • Wear the correct uniform, be clean shaven and display positive behaviour around the College, particularly as the remainder of the school will be in normal classes.

Academic Support

As we move into the Term 3 assessment period, there are a number of ways that students can receive free academic support. This is very useful for students in Year 11 and Year 12, particularly as most students are completing work that contributes to their ATAR. 

A reminder of Academic support opportunities below:

  • Study Starter – every Monday and Wednesday after school, all students are welcome to attend free tutoring from gifted Alumni and the 2022 Academic Prefects.
  • Subject Tutoring – please find the Academic Tutoring Schedule [HERE]. All students are highly encouraged to attend. Heads of Faculty and senior teachers also dedicate their free time to support students, which is helpful as typically these teachers are assessing the work.
  • Mentoring – I urge students to engage in the mentoring process, and particular ask questions concerning study tips and future pathways.


Dean of Teaching and Learning (Acting)