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From the Principal

In a consumer driven world, we are surrounded by logos and signs that point us to influences on our way of life. Branding does not often need a name because the symbol, logo or imagery represents the brand and can often conjure an emotion or understanding. 

In life we often use this same concept to represent ritual and meaning. A wedding for example is about the commitment of love between two people, however the wedding ring is often seen as the symbol of this commitment and can be a symbol of emotional connection.

In the Catholic Church there are also actions, or rituals, that give life to the unseen. The most important of these rituals we call “sacraments”. Sacraments are ways in which we experience and make visible God’s love, healing, forgiveness, nourishment and strengthening. They also represent an understanding and commitment to the Catholic Faith.

On Monday night I was fortunate to be invited to the culmination of the Colleges Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program. The program was a collaboration between Mr Paul Corfield and the Identity team of St Laurence’s College and Parish Priest and one of our regular College celebrants, Fr Will Aupito Iuliano, from the Dutton Park Parish. The Mass was held, in the Laurence O’Toole Chapel and was presided by Bishop Tim Norton and Father Will.

Celebrating Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation and Communion, staff and students were joined by family members and sponsors as they were received into the Catholic Church. I congratulate all who made this conscious Faith decision and echo the words of Bishop Tim in encouraging all families to walk the faith journey with the support of those around them.

School Advisory Council 

Across the course of the College Calendar, the St Laurence’s College School Advisory Counsil (SAC) meets to provide oversight and support to the strategic operations of the College. The members of the Council aim to ensure that Lauries continues to be an authentic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition. Made up of a combination of parents, former students and industry experts, the Council gives freely of their time and wisdom. With only two School Advisory Council Meetings remaining in 2024, I would like to publicly acknowledge the work of the following people and thank them for their ongoing support and commitment to the College. 

St Laurence's College Advisory Council Members

Chair of Board: Mr Michael Batch

Principal: Mr Ben Lowrie

Deputy Principal (Acting): Dr Liam Herbert

Board Secretary: Ms Heather Batchelor

Finance Committee Chair: Mr John Vaitsas

Member: Ms Michelle Prendergast, Ms Genevieve Green, Mr Stephen O'Kane, Ms Tanya Hansen, Ms Bridget Totterman, Mr James Scott

The last week of Term 3 is a busy time at the College. Our Year 12 students will complete their mock exams and look forward to their Retreat. Our Year 11s will participate in their Leadership Camp, Leadership process and their Semi Formal. The Year 10s will complete their exam block and the Year 5-9 students will be finalising their assessment, before beginning Term 4 work.

While the journey to the break looks different for each year level, it is important to recognise that across all of the aforementioned activities, College expectations around attendance, appearance, application and behaviour all remain consistent and the focus on day-to-day learning and finishing well for our seniors, is at the forefront of each family's thinking. 

This weekend is the last round of AIC Sport for Trimester 3. Best wishes to all students competing against Padua this weekend in Basketball, Rugby League and Tennis.


College Principal