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From the Dean of Teaching and Learning

As I write my final article of 2024 and in fact final article as Dean of Teaching and Learning, I feel a great sense of pride and appreciation of the year. I would like to firstly thank the Heads of Learning team for their leadership of learning across the College. Their attitude and energy drives the work that occurs in the classroom on a daily basis. Next, I’d like to thank the teachers and teacher aides who work tirelessly preparing lessons and working in the classroom with your children to ensure that they are receiving a liberating education. Finally, I’d like to thank the administration staff, particularly Samantha Harris our Administration Assistant – Teaching and Learning, and support staff behind the scenes. So much work occurs that often goes unnoticed; however, without them I know that we would notice their absence.

I know that in 2025, teachers and curriculum leaders ably lead by Ms Grace Loyden will continue to provide a liberating education for your son/s and ensure we all contribute to the College mission in the formation of the ‘Lauries Gentleman’.

Year 8 - Request for Elective Subject Change

As the end of the Semester draws near, it is an appropriate time to reconsider elective subject enrolment and typically, several students see the benefit of adjusting their elective studies pathway. Year 8 students are invited to engage in the subject change application process in the final weeks of Semester 2. 

Subject changes will be processed over the holidays, with students issued new timetables in preparation for the commencement of Semester 1, 2025.

Please understand that not all requests will result in a subject change. A lack of availability in the requested subject may prevent the change from being possible, so too, a misalignment of subjects studied and career pathways.

Transitioning into a new subject can be difficult (owing to gaps in foundational knowledge and skills) but students who are motivated to succeed are typically capable of overcoming any such concerns. A discussion with the Head of Faculty of the new elective subject is part of the subject change application process so that students are well informed about the workload and study requirements that will be expected of them.

Please encourage your son to speak with Ms Serico, at his earliest convenience if a change of elective subject would benefit his future study and career options.

QCAA  Information

A reminder that the Queensland Curriculum Assessment Authority (QCAA) will release students' final subject results and Senior Education Profiles on their myQCE website on Friday 11 December 2024. 

The Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre (QTAC) will release students’ ATARs via the ATAR Portal on the same day. 

Students should have already registered for the Student Portal and ATAR Portal.  If this is not the case, they should speak with either Ms Tait or Ms Dyer before graduation next week.

Christmas Holidays – wind down or wind up

I am sometimes asked, “what should my son be doing over the holidays to prepare for the following year?” I am a firm believer that the best way for your son to prepare for next year, is to relax, refresh and re-energise their batteries. I certainly do not recommend that students complete any schoolwork. Rather, I would encourage the reading of books that may suit an interest or need. Our Library staff are more than willing to recommend books for students to read over the Holiday period.

I wish all in our community a Merry and blessed Christmas, and a safe new year.


Dean of Teaching and Learning (Acting)