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From the Principal

Renewed EREA Charter Launch

The EREA Charter is both a document and an understanding that is intended to assist schools to offer a liberating education, based on a Gospel spirituality, within an inclusive community committed to justice and solidarity. It is a document that helps enliven the Touchstones and describes our distinct, although not unique, identity as a school within Edmund Rice Education Australia. 

The Charter provides a practical expression of this identity and so is crucial for use in decision-making, planning and review. This week in Sydney, representatives of Edmund Rice Education Australia gathered to celebrate the launch of a renewed charter for Edmund Rice Schools.

The College looks forward to implementing and giving life to the New EREA Charter.

Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) Feedback

This week the College received confirmation and feedback from the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority regarding the completion of the recent External Exam process for our Year 12 students. The College received praise from the Authority for the professionalism and conduct of these exams. I would like to thank Ms Kirsten Wardrop, our Heads of Faculty and all Senior staff involved for the opportunity afforded to our Year 12 students during this time and the professionalism of their approach. We look forward to seeing the outcomes for ATAR students in the next month.

In the same vein, I wish all the Year 11 and Year 10 students best wishes as they start their exam block periods this week.

Thank you Mr Stephen O'Kane

On Wednesday night, the College said thank you to Mr Stephen O’Kane who has been a dedicated servant and volunteer on the School Advisory Council for the last 6 years. A former Principal, Educational Expert and serving board member, Mr O’Kane offered wisdom and knowledge to the Council from his years of work in Education Queensland, Catholic Education and various not for profit organisations. On behalf of Mr Michael Batch (Council Chair) and the College, I thank Mr O’Kane for his dedicated service to the St Laurence’s College community.

Sport this weekend

Tomorrow the College will host the Manchester City Lauries Cup, with many of our Footballers competing against each other for the internal championships. In the coming weeks, some of the same students will compete in the Manchester City Australian Schools Cup for the College in Melbourne. At the same time, our Senior Volleyballers under the coaching of Mr Anthony Bird and Mr Kelsey Doyle will compete on the Gold Coast in the Australian Schools Volleyball Cup. I wish all these teams and their respective coaches, best wishes for their holiday championships and acknowledge the staff who give of their time to make these opportunities happen.

With only a week to go in the academic year, our focus at the College remains on the learning and assessment of our Primary and Middle School students. Every school day is important and students will be asked to remain focussed on their learning until the celebration day at the end of term.


College Principal