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Dean of Primary

Dear Parents and Caregivers, 

Welcome to the final phase of Semester One. We now only have one week before the boys get a well-earned break to refresh and recharge after two very busy terms. 

This week in particular has been very busy.  We have run and celebrated the very first “Bucket Day” in support of the House Charities, to launch the fundraising and sponsorship collection for the  upcoming Walkathon next term.

The Mini Vinnies crew co-ordinated another very successful Book swap in support of the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.

It was fantastic to see so many great books find new homes and so much money kindly collected for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.

Finally today, we joined with the secondary boys to compete in the annual “House Choir” competition.  The performances were outstanding and the event is always a terrific House activity.

Parent Education Workshop

On Wednesday evening, Jon Tracey (Head of Teaching and Learning Primary School) delivered a Parent workshop targeted at “Reading”. Reading is such a critical skill and strong reading skills help students achieve across all subject areas.

The presentation was very informative and we hope it assists parents in supporting both boys and girls improve their reading and develop confidence in reading.

Semester 1 Report Cards

Report Cards will be posted to Parent Lounge during the pupil free week. They provide a detailed report of academic and social progress. The reports will also display the distribution of grades for each subject across the year level.  We hope this information assists parents in better understanding how their son is progressing in each subject, relative to other boys in the year level. The comment section has also been designed to provide focussed feedback on strengths and areas for growth/development in relation to the Cognitive Verbs (thinking skills) that are assessed. 

To access the reports, please follow these basic steps.

1. Log onto Parent Lounge (

2. Select Student Details 

3. Academic Reports

4. Click on Report link (latest report will be at the top)

Parent Teacher Interviews

Next term, (Week 6, 13 August) the second opportunity will be available for parents to reflect on and discuss student achievement. This round of Parent Teacher Interviews will take the form of Student Led Conferences. These conferences will be detailed in a separate communication to parents’ next term. The communication will explain the format and process. 

Uniform and Timetable Change

Tuesday afternoon Sport/Activities has now finished for 2024.  All boys are reminded to wear full College uniform to school each day until the end of the year.  Also, parents should note that all boys will finish school on Tuesdays at 2:55pm and be dismissed from the classrooms.

End of Term Reward Raffles

In the final week of term, we will conduct our usual monster raffle from the hundreds of raffle tickets in the box that have been awarded this term. If you are able to assist with prize donations (big or small) the boys will really appreciate it, as we can have more winners.

In this Edition of the Primary Newsletter, you can also read about Curriculum Updates, Music, Date Claimers -Upcoming Events, Lauries Journey Awards and Sports.

As we approach the end of the term, I encourage all parents to check in with boys to assist them with time management and task completion to prevent any added pressure or stress in the last week.

Thanks for all the support you give to the staff and boys and enjoy the final week of school.


Dean of Primary School