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Music - Primary 26 July

We congratulate students in our String Orchestras 1,2 & 3, Concert Bands 1,2 & 3 and Big Bands 1,2 & 3 who in Week 2 performed for an appreciative audience in the Queen Street Mall as part of Vivace Music’s Jazzin’ Up the Mall, an annual music festival for schools providing a wonderful performance experience for our students.

Intermediate Music Camp

Last weekend the Intermediate Ensembles – Concert Band 2, String Orchestra 2, Guitar Orchestra 2 and Little Brotherhood enjoyed a series of workshops and rehearsals which provided an invaluable opportunity to further enhance their ensemble skills and culminating in a concert held for family and friends on Sunday in ERPAC.  

We would like to extend special thanks to old boys; Joe Fallon and Aaron Netto who assisted with tutoring at the camp. 

Year 5 Music Night 

Our Year 5 students have been working well this year and are currently preparing for the Year 5 Music Night on Wednesday, 31 July.

The evening will feature performances from our Year 5 Musicianship class, String Orchestra, Guitar Ensemble, and Concert Band.

As the program finishes at the end of Term 3, this event is important for both parents and students to not only hear the progress made but also learn about the next steps for continuing their musical journey at Laurie's.

Queensland Catholic Colleges Music Festival

Many of the SLC Ensembles will be participating in the annual Queensland Catholic Colleges Music Festival hosted by Villanova in Week 6. A copy of the performance schedule is available on the Lauries App under ‘Music’. It is important to note, the festival does fall on the College Show Holidays so students will need to find their own transport to and from the festival. 

Ensembles in the Year 5 Music Program (Year 5 Concert Band, String Orchestra, Guitar Ensemble & Musicianship Class) will not perform at QCMF. 

Term 3 Music Events

Term 3 is a busy one for students involved in co-curricular Music, with several performances before our End of Year concerts. 

Term 3 Music Events

Monday 12 August
Vocal Recital (Chapel) Performances by our vocal students in Years 5-12
Thursday 15 – Sunday 18 August
Queensland Catholic Colleges Music Festival (Villanova College, Coorparoo). Ensembles performing: Concert Bands 1, 2 & 3, Big Bands 1, 2 & 3, String Orchestras 1, 2 & 3, Symphony Orchestra, Guitar Orchestras 1 & 2, Treblehood, Cambiata, Little Brotherhood, Brotherhood, Big Brotherhood.
Thursday 22 August
Strictly Strings Concert @ 6pm (ERPAC) Ensembles performing: Year 5 String Orchestra, String Orchestras 1, 2 & 3, Symphony Orchestra and Fellowship of the String.
Friday 23 August
Band Blast Concert @ 6pm (ERPAC) Ensembles performing: Year 5 Concert Band, Concert Bands 1, 2 & 3 and Percussion Ensembles 1 & 2
Tuesday 27 August
Choral & Guitar Concert @ 6:30pm (Toowong) Ensembles performing: Treblehood, Cambiata, Little Brotherhood, Brotherhood, Big Brotherhood and Guitar Orchestra 1.
Thursday 5 September
Finale Concert 2 @ 5pm (McElligott Theatre) Ensembles performing: Guitar Orchestra 2 and Year 5 Guitar Orchestra

LMSG Meeting | Term 2 - Tuesday 13 August | 6pm 

Our next Lauries Music Support Group Meeting will be held on Tuesday 13 August in room MU1 (Top floor VAPA building).  A great way to support your son at SLC is by joining the parent’s music support group.  Meetings are once a month on the second Tuesday of each month (term time).  

If you would like further information regarding any of the above, please contact the music department: or telephone 3010 1138.

Strike up the Band!


Head of Instrumental Music