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Dean of Primary-23 August

Dear Parents & Caregivers,

Life in Primary continues to be very busy.  All classes are immersed in current units of work, with assessment very near, or in some cases, already underway.  Boys have been given the very simple advice to:

  1. Ask for help if needed. 
  2. Don’t leave assessment tasks until the last minute. 
  3. Do regular study in small amounts, instead of one large session the night before a test.

Teachers provide lots of scaffolding and resources to support Task Sheets. The boys should feel well prepared and confident to do “their best”.

Last Week’s Events

Last week was a very busy week on the College calendar.  The early finish on Tuesday allowed for any follow up conversations for the Student Led Conferences.

Wednesday was unfortunately too wet to run the House Sports Day. Whilst it was very disappointing to cancel such a major event, it was unavoidable in this case, with the fields (along with most of Brisbane) being totally unusable.

From Thursday to Sunday our talented musicians competed in the QCMF. The performances were brilliant and represented a lot of hard work over many weeks from the boys and staff. A full summary, including results can be found in the Music section of this newsletter.  A very big congratulations to all involved.

Father’s Day

Next Wednesday evening 28 August, we will celebrate Father’s Day in Primary. A casual sausage sizzle and a movie in ERPAC will be a relaxing and enjoyable way to celebrate Father’s Day and show appreciation for all of the fantastic support Dads, and other male role models, provide the boys.    We hope you enjoy the event and hope that next Sunday is a great family day.

Orientation Day

Next Friday 30 August, we will welcome the Year 5 boys (2025) and their families to Lauries for their Orientation Day. We welcome all the new boys and their families as they commence their Lauries Journey next year and look forward to the contribution they will make to our wonderful community in the Primary School. Our current Year 6 students will also participate in the Year 7 Orientation Day activities, along with the students who will be new to Lauries in Year 7, 2025. This gives the boys the opportunity to engage with their Heads of House, House Mentors and other key staff who will support them as they transition to Secondary School.  Details for the day have already been sent to all Year 6 families.

Year 5 Enrolment 2026
Enrolment interviews for Year 5, 2026 are nearly complete. If you know a family interested in joining Lauries in 2026 (Year 5), please check with them to ensure they submitted their application. If they missed the enrolment period, please ask them to contact Tina McManus by email at to commence a late application.

portant Notice for 2025
If your son is not returning to St Laurence’s College in 2025, please inform me in writing at by the last day of Term 3 (13 September) at the very latest. There are many families on the waiting list who are always enquiring about positions, and we would love to offer enrolment opportunities if spots become available. 

Farewell Mr Leadbetter

Today, we joined the wider Lauries community to farewell and thank Mr Leadbetter. Chris has had a significant influence at Lauries, including within Primary. When he returned to Lauries as Principal in 2017, he approved and helped drive the total reimaging of our primary school.  With his support, we have been able to enjoy all of the benefits of being in our own building, learning and connecting with each other in a far more modern way. He was a regular visitor to the primary precinct, at all primary events and loved chatting with the boys and staff. We wish him all the very best in his new role and thank him for all that he contributed to Lauries, especially the Primary School during his time as principal.  Thank you Sir, and best wishes from all in the Hogan Building.

End of Term Raffle

In the last week of Term 3, we will be conducting our monster raffle from the hundreds of raffle tickets that have been awarded to the boys this term. If you would like to donate any prizes, please feel free to send them into the Primary Office. Thank you in advance to those families who are able to assist with prize donations (big or small). The boys really appreciate it. 

In this edition of the Primary Newsletter, you can also read about Curriculum Updates, Music, Date Claimers, Upcoming Events and Lauries Journey Awards.

Enjoy the weekend and the remaining weeks of Term 3. 


Dean of Primary School