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From the Head of Teaching and Learning - Primary July 12

Head of Teaching and Learning Primary - Jon Tracey

In our Primary School, we recognise that literacy and numeracy development is a key priority for our learners. Here is an overview of how we utilise additional staff members to enhance our boys’ literacy and numeracy skills in multi-teacher lessons: 

 English Lessons 

An additional teacher is timetabled for one whole-class English lesson in each double class per week. The lesson is conducted in conjunction with the two Home Class Teachers in the room. This co-teaching model enables students to receive additional feedback from teachers to clarify their learn, or to work in smaller, more focused group settings for the acquisition of literacy skills. 

Every fortnight, we also conduct "English Masters" lessons across both year levels. These sessions are tailored to address specific learning areas identified by our teachers, providing opportunities for students to reinforce and refine their literacy skills, such as spelling or writing proficiency.

Maths Lessons

Based on the data that we collect on the boys’ mathematical knowledge and skills; the boys are placed in groups of students with similar abilities for these lessons. Again, this enables teachers to target specific skills based on the boys’ current learning needs. This lesson occurs across the cohort at the same time. Additional staff are timetabled to support these lessons. These groupings are flexible and allow for opportunities for boys to move based on how they are proceeding within the lessons and assessment.