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Dean of Primary-12 July

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome to Term 3.  I hope that the holidays were a great opportunity to rest and refresh after a busy semester.  This term promises to be equally rewarding, with a new round of co-curricular activities and some significant community events.  The Walkathon, Sports Day and Father’s Day are just some of the highlights coming up and I encourage all families to support these events and enjoy the connection to the College. 

On Thursday, 25 July, the College will be open for the annual “Open Day.”  The event will run from 4:00-7:00pm and includes school tours and displays. It is a great opportunity to see the facilities and gain a snapshot of the Lauries Journey. Please bring the event to the attention of any families you know who might like to join the Lauries family. Current families are also very welcome to attend, especially to have a look at aspects of the College you might not be familiar with in the secondary school. 


I trust that all parents found the Semester 1 Report Card informative and an accurate reflection of your son’s academic and social progress this year. Many of the boys should be very proud of their academic results and engagement ratings. We commend all students who worked hard and achieved their potential throughout Terms 1 and 2.  All boys are encouraged to concentrate on the areas that were identified for improvement, to begin the new semester with purpose and focus. 

Student Led Conferences

On Tuesday, 13 August (Week 6) we will conduct the Student Led Conferences to support Semester 1 reporting.  In the next couple of weeks you will receive additional information and details regarding this event.

Please note that school will conclude at 1:15pm on the day for all students. (Year 5-12)

Important Date for Year 6 Families

On Friday, 30 August, the College will be running the Orientation Day for Year 5 and Year 7 (2025). Current Year 6 students will be required to attend the day as part of their transition and preparation for Year 7. More details about the day, including uniform and times has been sent out via email this week.  All Year 6 boys should be available to attend the Orientation Day with the incoming Year 7’s for 2025.

Parent Education Sessions

Cyber Safety – Brett Lee

Next week, Wednesday 17 July, we have engaged Brett Lee from Internet Safe Education, to deliver both student and parent presentations with a focus on “Cyber Safety”.  Brett will cover age-appropriate content and provide some simple tips for boys to be safe and protected in the cyber world. 

We hope those parents who are able to attend, find some helpful insights to support your children at home. The parent session will be run in McElligott Theatre starting at 5:00pm. The early start will allow parents to attend and still be home in time for the “State of Origin”. It will conclude at 6:15pm.

Important Term 3 Dates 

Thursday 25 July                           College Open Day 4:00-7:00pm

Friday 9 August                             Walkathon & Solidarity Mass

                                                        Walkathon envelopes have been distributed to the boys, before the holidays to gather                                                                sponsorship for their “House Charity” (see list in the upcoming events section,                                                                              including link for donations)

Wednesday 14 August.                 The College Sports Day will be held at Runcorn playing fields. (Ekka Wednesday)

Thursday & Friday15-16 August   Student Free days

Wednesday 28 August                  Father’s Day Celebration 5:00-7:00pm  ERPAC

Friday 30 August                           Orientation Day Year 6 (Year 7 2025)

Saturday 7 September                  Lauries Gala Dinner

In this Edition of the Primary Newsletter you can also read about Curriculum Updates, Music, Upcoming Events, Date Claimers and Students of the Week.

Thank you for all of the support you give to the staff and boys. Enjoy the upcoming term.

Kind Regards


Dean of Primary School