Throughout their Lauries journey, each boy is empowered to find his Heart of Gold. Having a Heart of Gold is to have a passion for learning, self-discovery and maximising potential in all aspects of College life.
While ultimately a personal journey, self-discovery can’t be done alone. Our teachers, alongside each boy’s family and friends, are there to support them to grow, learn and flourish.
St Laurence’s College has a long proud tradition of Old Boys who embody the Heart of Gold and consider their schooling as a significant part of their life journey. Not only did their schooling support them to pursue success, the friendships they made during their time at the College have endured many years and different paths.
Every two weeks, students spend time in year levels for their Lauries Journey lessons. During these lessons, boys learn outside of the curriculum and focus on their holistic development. This is supported through guest speakers, faith in action and other learning opportunities.
The College supports students throughout their journey. Through a holistic approach to education, the College supports students to choose their own journey that extends well beyond their schooling years. The ultimate goal of a holistic approach to education at Lauries is to empower boys to make their own decisions, consider the future and discover their purpose.
Learn more about our Curriculum
Co-Curricular Program
St Laurence’s College provides an extensive Co-Curricular Program beyond the classroom, forming part of our holistic education approach. Every student has the opportunity and is encouraged to participate in the many cultural, musical, social, spiritual, service learning and sporting aspects of College life. These activities foster personal growth of the students by developing individual skill, teamwork, leadership, mateship, understanding and self-discipline in an atmosphere of fun and enjoyment.
Learn More About our Co-Curricular Program
Outdoor Education
Our outdoor education programs are designed to develop self esteem, team skills and new interests throughout each boy’s journey to self-discovery during their schooling. Students follow a program of increasing challenge culminating in a trek requiring significant self-reliance. The College campus has grown and flourished over the past 100 years to be one of the best equipped
Learn more about Camp Laurence Here
Hear from our Students
Hear from students currently on their Lauries Journey about what they love about the College!